Matthew's Dev Blog

iOS apps

Nearly Departed for UK trains
The train app for commuters!

Nearly Departed was started in 2015, when the app I was using disappeared from the appstore, and none of the alternatives felt quite right. Originally written in Objective C and UIKit, it was re-written for iOS and watchOS using SwiftUI in 2021.

More details on the website.

Alternative Unix man pages

tl;dr pages is an app for displaying information from the tldr-pages project. This is a community-driven set of help pages for Unix commands which are much more concise than the traditional man-pages.

The iOS app is open-source on GitHub.

Mars Watch
Current time & Latest Weather

Planning your next trip to Mars and need help keeping time?
Need up to date weather reports for the Red Planet?
Need to know coordinates for space junk on Mars so you can salvage it for scrap?
Mars Watch has all of this information and slightly more in a mildly interesting but ultimately pointless app.

This app was made by Rob Whitaker.

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Dynamic Type
Dynamic Type information for developers

Dynamic Type provides developer and designer reference details for iOS' dynamic type system for scaling text. The app provides a visual representation of each type style at each Dynamic Type scale, plus details on the point size and scale percentage to ensure your app can be accessible and conformant with WCAG.

This app was made by Rob Whitaker.

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